19 sep Circus Stage
June 2023
Pyrenees France

Our first workshop on a mountain estate in the Pyrenees was a great success!
An amazing group of young participants ! Acrobatics, dance and theater to a group of, among others, circus preparatory courses Corpus acrobatics, Codarts and L’École du Cirque Jules Verne in Amiens and ENACR (École Nationale des Arts du Cirque de Rosny) France.

Disciplines; Trampoline, handstands, stretching, acrobatics, music, hand to hand, dance, aerial acrobatics. Teaching creative skills and performing skills and finishing with a final presentation/performance.
Taught by the coaches and artists ;
Marley Eltz (BR), Vincent Michels (NL) from Corpus
Adriana Guéant (BR) and Patrick Mattioni (FR)
Next year 2024 again!
Click here and find more information

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